Aktuell: Das Auto als Hitzefalle
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NEW: Selective herbal therapy for horses
Effective natural healing power - selected by your horse's instinctive mind
In addition to optimal feeding and the design of species-appropriate living conditions, we can provide horses with wonderful therapeutic and preventive herbs. Herbs are very beneficial to horses' natural diet. As original residents of very barren areas, they are used to choosing plants that are good for their digestion and metabolism.
How does selective herbal therapy work?
At the beginning there is a detailed examination of the horse. The analysis of his living conditions is recorded through specific questions and through important information from the horse owner. The overall picture results in a selection of herbs that can have a positive effect on the horse's digestion, metabolism and psyche in its current situation. The herbs are dried in a natural, coarse structure and are of organic quality.
On hand, they are offered to the horse individually for testing. It can now choose the herbs that are most conducive to its well-being. A mixture is then created from the selected herbs, which is administered daily for a period of approx. 4 weeks. The herbs (possibly together with linseed) are poured over with boiling water and after a steeping time of 30 minutes fed to the horse at lukewarm.
At the end of the 4 weeks, the horse selects the herbs again as needed.
Benefits of selective herbal therapy
The horse can select individual herbs itself. In ready-made herbal mixtures, which are often powdered or offered in pellet form, this choice is not possible for the horse.
The natural structure of the herbs allows their ingredients to be stored for a long time. The essential oils remain in the plant cells without becoming volatile through crushing processes such as pulverization. This enables a high concentration of a large number of plant-specific active ingredients. The natural proportions and composition of the active ingredients of individual plants achieve an optimal effect and compatibility with the horse.
By using organic herbs, the organism is not burdened with additional problematic substances such as pesticides and chemicals (preservatives, stabilizers, etc.).
TERMINE: 28. und 29. Juni 2024 Fleischrinderzucht BIO-Betriebe auf der Schwäbischen Alb
Vortrag Professionelles Einfangen entlaufener Rinder (Dr. vet. med. Benno Neufeld)
Das komplette Veranstaltungsprogramm finden Sie hier:
Veterinary Experts
We run our curative veterinary practice for pets and companion animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc.) in Bad Iburg. Methods of naturopathy, phytomedicine and treatments with RIKTA* (therapeutic veterinary laser) form a focal point in our efforts to look after your animal. We provide comprehensive advice on all nutritional issues and also make home visits. We are very committed to animal welfare. With us you get high-quality premium animal feed recommended by veterinarians, as well as special veterinary diets. We have more than 20 years of professional experience. Get to know us, we look forward to your visit.
Sincerely, your veterinarian Alexandra Belihart-Neufeld
RIKTA quantum therapy with 4 active factors: *NEW
* Pulsed infrared laser radiation
* pulsating broadband infrared radiation
* pulsating red light
* permanent magnetic field
Member of the Federal Association of Practicing Veterinarians "BPT" [Homepage
Member of the Society for Holistic Veterinary Medicine e.V. "GGTM" [Homepage
Office hours and emergency service
Office hours (core times):
Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri | 10am - 12noon |
Mon/Thu | 4pm - 6pm |
Tue/Fri | 2pm - 4pm |
Further appointments and home visits are possible by telephone arrangement.
You can also reach us outside of the specified office hours on the following number:
Phone: 05403 - 79 39 790